Welcome to the Sport Physiology Laboratory of the Department of Sport Science, Stellenbosch University.

We would like to welcome all our existing and prospective clients to our new website
Here at the Sports Physiology Laboratory, Department of Sport Science, Stellenbosch University. We have updated all the information on scientific exercise testing fundamental to all social and competitive athletes. Although our focus lies mainly in endurance sport, we also offer testing for athletes who are involved in activities that require speed, strength and power. Furthermore, we also offer health screening tests, such as blood pressure, glucose, haemoglobin, heart and lung function and body composition (% body fat, % lean body tissue, BMI, hydration status).
All our test protocols are standardized and internationally used in laboratories similar to ours. These tests have proven validity and reliability and our state of the art equipment is calibrated on a daily basis. Each client receives a personal report, which is also explained in detail following an exercise test. Our lab staff has postgraduate qualifications in the field of exercise physiology, is well trained, and provides service in a friendly and professional manner.
Have you entered the 2025 Cape Epic? We would like to invite you to participate in our study, looking at the effects of ketone esters supplements on physical and mental...
With our research still on the go, we are already making headlines. In the last month, you might have switched on your radio and heard Prof Terblanche speaking about the...
We are excited to announce that we now have 2 Cyclus ergometers. Because of its high accuracy and flexible load control, the Cyclus 2 is ideal for performance testing. While...
For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health’s website at www.sacoronavirus.co.za